3 Major Things You Should Not Do If You Want To Win Your Ex Back

If you just recently experienced a break up, the very first you need to do is stay calm and think logically. It is normal for one to act illogically sometime after a breakup, but this is obviously not the smartest move one can do. If you let your emotion get the better over you, there is a high chance that you may jeopardize your only chance to fix your broken relationship. Believe it or not, every of your action in the next days or weeks could determinate between life and death of your relationship with your ex-partner. There are 3 major things that you shouldn't do at all cost.

First of all, try refraining yourself from calling your ex. I know that this might sound crazy, but this action will only push your ex away even further. Constant bombardment with phone calls or text messaging is a big no-no in the making up game. A series of phone calls or text messaging will only make them felt annoyed instead of being grateful. Not only that, this phone harassment will only make your ex focus on your bad points. So, remember, this is the last thing you want to do. In fact, you should use the time to reflect on your action or your time being together.

The second thing is you need to stop being needy. Clinging on to your ex and telling them how much you need or miss your ex is worse than phone harassment. You are making the whole thing worse. This kind of action gives your ex the impressions that you are immature guy who cannot even stand on his own two feet and don't have self-respect. In other word, you are making yourself look bad. The most appropriate action is acting composure and appears fine. This is a very good way to get your ex back. Remember, good impression is important.

Begging them to return is the very last thing you need to do, or rather you should not reserve this as an option at all. Begging after a break-up is nothing but a disaster. No matter how genuine your emotions or feeling is, begging can make the whole situation beyond the repair. Instead of trying to figure out what went wrong and caused the breakup, you choose to ignore them and beg your ex back just for the sake of want to be together again. Evenifyour ex agreed, this relationship obviously will not last long as long as the reason that caused breakup is there and remains unsolved.Plus, begging give your ex an impression that you are not a dependable or reliable person.

Now you know that letting your emotion determinate your love life is not actually a wise choice, especially after a break-up. While it seems logical for one to calls or trying to keep in touch with your ex after a breakup, it actually a bad move and may destroy your solely chance to get your ex back. During the breakup, going outside for a drink with your friends is much better option to calm your mind. Once your mind is clear, then it is the only time for you to decide whether you want to save the relationship or not.

Get Your Ex Back Without Contacting Your Ex Strategy

It may sound very weird and confusing to you when someone told you not to have a contact with your ex if you want to get your ex back. I mean, calling your ex is definitely the most logical action you can do, especially when you want to apologize for all the awful things you said in the past to her. You may be wondering, if calling is not the option, how are you supposed to do to save your broken relationship? Sitting at home without doing anything is not going to solve the problem.

You are right about this, but do you ever consider the consequence if you are calling her way too soon, especially after a breakup? The reason why it is not a recommended action because the bad feelings that both of you had is still deeply sow into your hearts at this moment. These bad feelings; anger, fury, pain, frustration can easily hindering your decision making process. Just imagine that you have any contact with each other at this point. There is only one thing that will happen, another major/heated argument. Why is this happen? It is because the breakup incident is still fresh in your minds. Speaking with each other in this kind of state will only refuel the fury and hatred that you have inside you, and it will kill your chance to get your ex back forever.

However, this will become a piece of cake if you and your ex waited long enough to see each other. Time does heals the wound, even the heart's wound. If you waited long enough, all the painful and angry feelings would eventually fading away. At that moment, both of you will be more approachable.This means that there will be less risk for both of you to start any argument.Considering that both of you are not seeing each other in this moment, you should use the opportunity to reflect your previous action. What actually went wrong in your relationship? What caused the breakup? How can you solve this problem?

Once you figured the answer, it should be the appropriate time for you to meet with your ex. In this situation, both of you should be in a good mood. Being feeling positive and happy can increase your chances to get your ex back. Also, it is no use for you to remembering those nasty things that your ex said to each other.So, do whatever you can to get rid of them.It can be meeting with your friends, have drinks with your friends at some local bar, playing some sports with your friends and any positive activity.

When both of you are meeting with each other, the first thing you need to do is to give your ex the opportunity to talk. You should listen to her reasonstothe end, and then only you start to give your thoughts and opinion about the matter. Respecting each other is a good quality to have. If you are serious to get your ex back to your side, you should always ready to forgive your ex as long as your ex willingly to change, and that same goes to you.























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